Here ther be language.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter vacation

I haven’t done a very good job of keeping everyone up to date. My apologies. Good weather will do that, as will the knowledge of one’s impending doom. Finals start in a week and a half for me. Until then, its les vacances de Pâques.

These past few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind. I’ve been all over the place both in and around Angers and beyond. I’ve seen old friends and new, played a game of petit-foot, spent way too much time in my favorite pub, tasted great wine I’ll never afford, the list goes on. I still have postcards to send, so relax if you haven’t gotten one yet. I might hand you one in June. It’ll be good to be back home, despite the fact that I’ll be getting back to work as soon as I return.

In addition to seeing my friends and family, I’m looking forward to: Mexican food, southern food, Asian food I don’t get food-poisoning from, the (community) garden, brewing for the fall, and a new sport I’m gonna take up I’m dubbing ‘cat-punting’. Should be fun.

This weekend, I’m taking a hike near Angers. The trail is a Grande Randonnée de Pays (GRP) through the basses vallées angevines. I’ll be following rivers. It should be fun. I don’t know how many days I’ll be out, but I should be back by Monday. I hope to go to Rennes on Tuesday. Regardless, I’ll end up in Nantes on Friday. For my OFII meeting. Then another hike back to Angers, just before exams start. Then the real fun begins.

Until next time.